Monday, March 30, 2009

"Growth" vs. "Fixed" Mindset

During this week I watched the video podcast "Growth" vs. "Fixed" Minds by Stanford on iTunes U at Stanford University. This video discussed how many students believe their intelligence is a fixed amount. Other students believe that it can be developed and grow through learning and passion. Then there was a workshop developed to see the difference between teaching half the group study skills and the other half received both the study skills and the growth mindset lesson.

This workshop resulted in the students whom only received the study skills continued to decline. The students who received both the skills and the mindset lesson saw a significant rise in their grades. The growth mindset is very important because with out it, one cannot keep up with the world and how its changing. 

Another big reason one needs to have the growth mindset because without it one cannot possibly be a good mentor. I think it is important as educators to not only have this mindset, but also teach it to our students. This will aid in giving them a better education and a head start in life. Students need to be encouraged and know that if they work hard they will succeed. 

1 comment:

  1. Good job Andrea. As the old saying goes, "All things are possible if you want it bad enough."
